Friday, February 28, 2020

I.T. Project Risk Management Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I.T. Project Risk Management - Research Proposal Example California Technology Agency (2011) asserts that most of the business managers are not privy of the magnitude IT-related risks in projects management a firm will be exposed. Most of these managers are only able to learn the value of IT-related risks after they have computed the amount of damage the risk has brought about. According to Leong California Technology Agency, (2011) past research studies have primarily been concerned with how effective IT-related risks may be analyzed and compensated for. Therefore, it would be imperative for IT managers constantly to embrace the holistic view of IT project risk management rather than just focusing only on financial issues. There exist little empirical research studies showing the correct way of handling the management of the IT-related projects risks during the launching of the project. Though a myriad of studies have been done in regards to I.T project risk management, (California Technology Agency, 2011, Haney, 2009, Talet, Zin &Houari, 2014, & Texas Tech University, n.d), there is still little empirical research on how effective IT risk management can be handled at the time of executing projects. In this paper, I will attempt to develop a typology of effective strategies that will guide managers to develop specific plans meant to control risk IT

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Matter of Personality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Matter of Personality - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the type of personality characteristics that a store manager should possess is that of a people-centered personality: sociable, accommodating, understanding, caring, and taking into perspective the needs and demands of both, the customers and the employees – with committed adherence to the policies and procedures explicitly defined by the store or by the organization. These traits and characteristics are important to ensure the manager’s success because these traits signify genuine interest in addressing the concerns, needs, and demands of customers and employees; two of the most important stakeholders in an organization. When compared to the personality of Wallace, it could be deduced that he is more of a task-oriented manager; who does not have any concern for the well-being and interests of his employees or of the customers. He was noted to exhibit the â€Å"personality of an army drill sergeant†. In addition, h e was obviously not people-centered since he was described as uncaring, does not address the customers’ complaints, and does not even follow the policies of the organization, especially in terms of accommodating returns. The personality of Wallace evidently demotivates employees. As noted, the employees do not care about Wallace as their store manager; meaning, they do not have any established professional bonds to respect or follow his ideals.